Graduation Banquet
Our annual grad banquet is back!! Purchase you tickets today at the Civil Club office in NREF 2-039. Tickets include dinner, a toonie bar, live music, and dancing! The Class of 2022 Graduation Banquet will take place on Tuesday, April 26, at 6PM in the Polar Park Brewery. See you there!!
Merch from CEESS's fall sale will be ready for pickup on Monday, Nov 22nd! Please come to the Civil club room (NREF 2-039) during office hours (listed below & available on office door) and bring your order number and email confirmation of purchase. (If someone else is coming in your place to pick up the order, just forward them the confirmation email).
​​The CEESS consists of an executive team elected, as well as a variety of positions that can be applied for without an election. These vary from sports coordinators to GEER week coordinators and much more. If you want to know more about these positions and are considering applying, check out the link below for more information.
Please email if you have any questions.